Issue compliant accounts and digital wallets to your customers.
Easily issue deposit accounts, savings accounts, sub-accounts and digital wallets for your customers. Our different account types and features enable you to build account products that delight your users.
Get started
Plug into our API for seamless account integrations.
Leverage our platform and APIs to issue and manage the entire account lifecycle, including opening, freezing, and unfreezing accounts.
Consumer bank accounts
Offer deposit accounts to individual customers. This account supports transfers, pay-ins, bills payment, cards and more.
Business bank accounts
Offer deposit accounts to your business customers for their day-to-day transactions and operations.
Interest bearing accounts
Offer interest bearing accounts to support compelling savings and investment propositions.
Group/Joint accounts
Offers accounts that can be controlled by multiple customers with necessary controls in-built.
Issue sub-accounts to help your customers track and manage expenses seamlessly.
Offer digital wallets to your customers to get them started on their financial inclusion journey.
Multi-currency accounts
Seamlessly issue unique multi-currency bank accounts to your customers under your brand.
Your account, your rules
Enjoy full control with programmable limits, secure transaction histories, and downloadable statements, ensuring effortless fund protection and balance tracking.
Protect funds from fraud and unintentional spend with programmable account limits.
Control your accounts. Block and unblock accounts. Put lien on account.
Account management
Access deposit insurance through our network of member banks.
Execute real-time and secure fund transfers between bank accounts seamlessly.
Direct NIP Connection
Transactions are immutable.
Transaction History
Have full visibility into your customers’ available, locked, expected inflow and outflow balances.
Balance Overview
Download pre-generated statements from the dashboard or via API.
Create multiple and unique account numbers that support both debits and credits.
Dynamic account Numbers
Store money “for the benefit of” your users and track their balance with virtual sub-accounts.
Sub Ledger Accounts
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Payment, money movement and transfers.
Enable quick and secure transfers, convenient collections, and seamless bills payments with Anchor's APIs.
Get started
We support all kinds of payments and money movement.
Explore a world of flexible payment solutions and money movement options tailored to meet your unique business needs.
Get instant settlement when you use our dynamic and reserve virtual account numbers to receive payment from your retail and business customers.
Book transfers
Free, fast, instant transfers within your ecosystem.
Inter-bank transfer
Enable instant bank transfers to any bank in Nigeria through NIP and central switches for retail and business customers via our API.
Bills payments
Make bills payments seamless for your retail and business customers while earning competitive commission.
Managed accounts
Leverage our managed accounts feature to facilitate compliant, permissioned and access based 3rd party money movement.
International payments
Use our APIs to make payments to 190+ countries in over 120 currencies across the world.
Use our easy check-out product to collect payment on your e-commerce platform.
Bulk transfers
Execute mass payment transactions and other large-scale financial operations.
Money movement that you can trust
Transfer funds using NIBSS, NEFT, and other available transfer types that suit your needs.
Multiple transfer types
Our range of features lets you create billing systems that are specific to your needs.
Customizable billing systems
We offer a transparent and competitive pricing model to help you build scalable products with payment features.
Customizable billing systems
Personalise payment experiences through meaningful notes, descriptions, or references.
Configurable transfer narrations
Easily let your customers settle bills in-app with our seamless integration tools.
Bill payment integration
Track your bills payments in real-time, from initiation to completion, ensuring you're always in the loop.
Real-time status updates
Access and import your bills instantly, simplifying your financial record-keeping and saving you valuable time.
Retrieve bill data
Safeguard your transactions with our tokenization feature that lets you encrypt sensitive data.
Tokenization for security
Seamlessly move funds between accounts, ensuring your money is allocated where it's needed most.
Book transfers
Elevate your banking experience with Inter-bank Transfers. Transfer funds swiftly and securely, regardless of the banks involved.
Inter-bank transfers
We offer a transparent and competitive pricing model to help you build scalable products with transfer features.
Competitive pricing model
Personalise payment experiences through meaningful notes, descriptions, or references.
Configurable transfer narrations
Get started
Branded physical and virtual cards.
Issue and process branded cards (physical and virtual) for individuals and businesses.
Get started
Start issuing physical and virtual cards to your customers.
Issue physical and virtual programmable cards tailored to your customers' specific needs.
Naira debit cards
Issue Naira debit cards (physical and virtual), so your customers can spend anywhere Verve, Mastercard, and Visa are accepted.
USD virtual cards
Make instant global transactions easier with USD virtual cards.
Prepaid cards
Issue programmatic prefunded physical and virtual cards tied to different business and retail customers.
Easy and convenient card creation
Leverage our cards API to create personalised debit and credit cards, making the process easy and convenient for your customers.
Customise and ship physical cards to your customer.
Ship physical cards
Manage card activity seamlessly.
Card activation and deactivation
Issue cards from the same accounts used for other money movements.
Works out of the box
Retrieve transactional data with ease.
Transactional data retrieval
Ensure secure and reliable transactions for you and your customers.
Safeguard sensitive data and transactions with advanced security protocols.
Enhance transaction security and protect sensitive data with our tokenization services.
Get started
Give your customers access to credit on demand.
Accelerate your lending services with Anchor's APIs for efficient loan management.
Get started
Robust credit building tools at your fingertips.
Build a compliant credit product powered by our credit API.
Get access to low-cost overdraft and offer same to your retail and business customers.
Cash advance
Enable your customers cover emergency and meet working capital needs with flexible cash advance offering.
Seamless lending: from application to recovery
Manage your lending process from start to finish with our API, designed for smooth application, approval, and repayment workflows.
Streamline the credit application process seamlessly.
Credit application integration
Make informed lending decisions with our credit scoring integration.
Credit scoring integration
Ensure a smooth and secure lending experience for your customers.
Easy and secure lending process
Facilitate a seamless credit journey from application to repayment.
Seamless from credit origination to recovery
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Tailored Savings and Investment Solutions.
Configure target savings, fixed deposits, and investment options for individuals and businesses to manage their financial goals efficiently.
Get started
Start setting up customised savings and investment plans for your customers.
Help drive financial growth for customers with customizable savings, secure fixed deposits, and diverse investments.
Target savings
Enable customers to save towards specific financial targets with customizable savings plans.
Fixed deposits
Offer secure fixed deposit options to help customers grow their savings.
Investment products
Provide various investment opportunities for retail and business clients to diversify their portfolios.
Empower your customers' financial growth
Through our innovative solutions, you can offer tailored financial experiences that resonate with your customers.
Tailor savings plans to meet the specific needs of your customers.
Flexible savings options
Provide a range of investment options for customers to choose from.
Diverse investment choices
Ensure that your customers' savings yield competitive interest rate.
Automated interest accrual
Offer secure and reliable investment management services to protect your customers' assets.
Secure investment management
Provide an overview of your customers' portfolios, allowing them to track their financial growth easily.
Robust portfolio management
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